A trust region spectral method for large-scale systems of nonlinear equations

Meilan Zeng, Guanghui Zhou
2016 Journal of Inequalities and Applications  
The spectral gradient method is one of the most effective methods for solving large-scale systems of nonlinear equations. In this paper, we propose a new trust region spectral method without gradient. The trust region technique is a globalization strategy in our method. The global convergence of the proposed algorithm is proved. The numerical results show that our new method is more competitive than the spectral method of La Cruz et al. (Math. Comput. 75(255):1429-1448 , 2006 for large-scale nonlinear equations. MSC: 65H10; 90C06
doi:10.1186/s13660-016-1117-x fatcat:qwnkc67jqbebhbdmltybofalke