Destination Decision-Making Process Based on a Hybrid MCDM Model Combining DEMATEL and ANP: The Case of Vietnam as a Destination

Thi Hai Ninh Do, Wurong Shih
2016 Modern Economy  
The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors influencing a traveler's Destination Decision-Making Process (DDMP) by applying a hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model. To examine the relationship among the three dimensions such as tourist motivation, information searching process, decision making of the DDMP, the MCDM model, combining decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) and Analytic Network Process (ANP), was adopted. Based on a literature review,
more » ... x main perspectives and fifteen criteria were extracted and subsequently validated by six tourism experts. A questionnaire was then constructed and answered by both tourism experts and tourists. The results show that the external search is the most important perspective, and it also influences the remaining perspectives. Furthermore, this work presents the criteria for each perspective. By proposing strategies to academics and practitioners, this study can serve as a valuable guide and reference for travel destinations in order to attract more tourists.
doi:10.4236/me.2016.79099 fatcat:fnxdj6lbeffkngvouj3blqu7aq