Improving health and coping of gay men who live with HIV: A case study of the "Healthy Relationships" program in Mexico

Fátima Flores-Palacios, Nayelli Torres-Salas, Cornelia Duregger
2017 Cogent Psychology  
The object of the study was to analyze the participants response to the issues addressed in the "Healthy Relationships" program applied to a population of HIV-infected gay men in Mexico. This program referred to the obstacles of active coping, mainly (1) revelation of diagnosis to family, friends, and sexual partner and (2) practice of safe sex. Moreover, the goal of the intervention was to gain understanding of the specific needs of participants within the Mexican context in regard to the
more » ... am's content, with the ultimate goal of enabling the development of health services that address the specific needs of HIV-infected gay men in Mexico. The findings of the study showed that participants considered themselves to be subject to a double stigma, due to their sexual orientation and emotional state. The study concludes with proposed strategies to develop appropriate health services, such as (a) offer support to patient; (b) recognize their need for emotional companionship; (c) promote safe sex; and, (d) take into account the different degrees of social vulnerability among patients, in an effort to help them deal better with their illness.
doi:10.1080/23311908.2017.1387952 fatcat:4cqrcxvqaretnhfz3ekduxafuy