On-line Remote Diagnosis System for DC Bus Capacitor of Power Converters Using Zigbee Communication
Zigbee통신을 이용한 전력변환기기의 DC Bus 커패시터의 온라인 원격 고장진단 시스템

Wan-Sup Chung, Jin-Geun Shon
2015 The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P  
DC bus electrolytic capacitors are used in variety of equipments as smoothing element of the power converters because it has high capacitance for its size and low price. It is responsible for frequent breakdowns of many static converters and inverter drive systems. Therefore it is important to diagnosis monitoring the condition of an electrolytic capacitor in real-time to predict the failure of power converter. In this paper, the on-line remote diagnosis monitoring system for DC BUS
more » ... capacitors of power converter using low-cost type Zigbee communication modules is developed. To estimate the health status of the capacitor, the equivalent series resistor(ESR) of the component has to be determined. The capacitor ESR is estimated by using RMS computation using AC coupling method of DC link ripple voltage/current. The Zigbee communication-based experimental results show that the proposed remote DC capacitor diagnosis monitoring system can be applied to DC/DC converter and UPS successfully.
doi:10.5370/kieep.2015.64.1.029 fatcat:jjjhl3knrvbajgeouuheziwm2a