Weighted zero-inflated Poisson mixed model with an application to Medicaid utilization data

Sang Mee Lee, Theodore Karrison, Robert S. Nocon, Elbert Huang
2018 Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods  
In medical or public health research, it is common to encounter clustered or longitudinal count data that exhibit excess zeros. For example, health care utilization data often have a multi-modal distribution with excess zeroes as well as a multilevel structure where patients are nested within physicians and hospitals. To analyze this type of data, zero-inflated count models with mixed effects have been developed where a count response variable is assumed to be distributed as a mixture of a
more » ... on or negative binomial and a distribution with a point mass of zeros that include random effects. However, no study has considered a situation where data are also censored due to the finite nature of the observation period or follow-up. In this paper, we present a weighted version of zero-inflated Poisson model with random effects accounting for variable individual follow-up times. We suggested two different types of weight function. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated and compared to a standard zero-inflated mixed model through simulation studies. This approach is then applied to Medicaid data analysis.
doi:10.29220/csam.2018.25.2.173 fatcat:kq5vocdd5jepxfmikozy4wvtzy