Social Factors, Social Support And Condom Use Behavior Among Young Urban Slum Inhabitants In Southwest Nigeria

AA Adedimeji, NJ Heard, O Odutolu, FO Omololu
2009 East African Journal of Public Health  
Objectives: Despite widespread knowledge that condoms offer protection against STIs/HIV when used correctly and consistently, many young people do not regularly use condoms, thus leading to new sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and AIDS. This study explored condom use behaviour, specifically the extent to which beliefs, self efficacy, risk perception and perceived social support act as predictors of use or non-use of condoms among sexually active young people aged 15-24 years.
more » ... ds: Data was obtained from sexually active 448 boys and 338 girls, who were selected through multistage sampling techniques. Analysis of data, which was done with EPI Info and SPSS version 12, focused on predictors of condom use or non-use. Result: Generally, there is widespread knowledge and low levels of condoms use, despite high levels of risky sexual behaviour. Although, half of boys and one third of girls report ever using condoms, a considerably lower proportion of male and female adolescents regularly use condoms. Logistic regression models show that among girls, those who perceived social support from peers and non-parental figures were more likely to use condoms while among boys, earning an income, high risk perception and self efficacy were associated with higher odds of condom use. Conclusions: Programs aiming to increase condom use among young people need to address these factors through community-based strategies.
doi:10.4314/eajph.v5i3.39006 fatcat:otmpg2xwfzd6faiw4o655btwle