A two-phase model for the aqueous outflow through the trabecular meshwork

Ram Avtar, Swati Srivastava
2016 International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research  
A two-phase steady-state model for the percolation of aqueous humor through the trabecular meshwork (TM) in eye has been developed. The model treats the meshwork as an annular porous cylinder comprised of two concentric rings that represent the uveal-corneoscleral meshwork and juxtacanalicular meshwork. Both the rings are assumed to be made up of homogeneous, isotropic, viscoelastic material swollen with continuously flowing aqueous humor through the tissue with different structural properties.
more » ... The model incorporates a strain-dependent permeability function. An analytical solution to the mathematical model has been obtained and the expressions for the displacement and fluid pressure distributions have been derived. The computational results for the displacement in solid phase, the fluid pressure distribution and the dilatation of the ocular tissue material have been presented through the graphs. The effects of structural model parameters on the displacement and the dilatation have also been investigated.
doi:10.14419/ijamr.v5i2.5763 fatcat:2xzn4utbp5hrtl72xu4vaeq6ty