Auguste Comte und seine Bedeutung für die Ertwicklung der Social wissenschaft. Von Dr. H. WARNTIG. Staats- und socialwissenschaft liche Beiträge, herausgegeben von A. von Miaskowski. Vol. II, No. I, Pp. 393. Leipzig : Duncker & Humblot, I894

Ludwig Gumplowicz, Ellen C. Semple
1895 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science  
I5I given, along with the decisions of the court, not only to indicate the grounds upon which able jurists were unable to concur in the views of their associates, and thus present both sides of the case, but
doi:10.1177/000271629500500618 fatcat:s5it4hxwyfflvjcdipdgqbukyi