A new family of Linear Dispersion Code for fast Sphere Decoding

X. G. Dai, S. W. Cheung, T. I. Yuk
2009 2009 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering  
In this paper, a new family of Linear Dispersion Codes (LDCs) that can be decoded using a fast Sphere Decoding (SD) algorithm in MIMO systems is proposed. The basic principle of this structure is to make the LDC to have as many as possible the rows orthogonal in the dispersion matrices. Monte Carlo simulation results show that the optimum LDCs with this orthogonal structure have nearly identical bit-error-rate (BER) performances as other optimal LDCs. We develop a simplified Sphere Decoding
more » ... algorithm that can significantly reduce the decoding complexity in decoding the new LDCs with proposed orthogonal structure. Simulation results show that the complexity reduction is more significant for MIMO system transmitting higher level modulation. For 2×4 MIMO systems transmitting 4 64QAM and 256QAM symbols in a block length of 4, the reductions are about 71-83% and 76-88%, respectively.
doi:10.1109/ccece.2009.5090144 dblp:conf/ccece/DaiCY09 fatcat:usthjg4tnnayjpukexfubd76m4