المجاز ومجازر المجاز وأثرهما فی التغیر الدلالى

ابراهیم عوض ابراهیم حسین حسین
2018 مجلة کلیة الآداب . القاهرة  
Figurative Expression and Implicit Figuration and their influences on Semantic Change This study aims at explaining expressions like: figurative expression, implicit figuration, semantic change, semantic development, reasons behind semantic change, forms of semantic change and at illustrating the influences of figurative expression and implicit figuration on the semantic change. Descriptive approach is adopted in this study. This approach studies the semantic change which happens to some words
more » ... s a result of the use of figurative expressions and implicit figuration. Then, the historical approach is employed to trace the forms of semantic change. : allegory, imagery, figurative illustration, figurative expression,
doi:10.21608/jarts.2018.82047 fatcat:sdg4hbbtuffytlnzf5vaapqyra