Production of social and economic inequality in Russia: socio-cultural specifics and factors

Anna I. Yakovleva, Ekaterina V. Kartashevich, Dmitry N. Levashеv, Margarita V. Finko, Vladimir I. Mareev
2021 Laplage em Revista  
This work considers the specifics of social and economic inequality in Russian society. The institutional, resource and transformational approaches outline the methodological framework of this study and allow for a comprehensive analysis of political, economic and cultural institutions of Russian society, which functioning contributed to excessive social and economic inequality in the country. It is revealed that the authoritarian model of state management, the social structure of rent-class
more » ... e and the lack of formation of civil society institutions are the main factors of reproduction of excessive social and economic inequality in Russian society. The results obtained in the course of the study can be applied in activities of federal and regional structures dealing with issues of economic and social policy of the state, as well as in activities of legislative authorities at the federal and regional levels.
doi:10.24115/s2446-622020217extra-d1073p.111-116 fatcat:s5x5jdo36nf4rlwjiuwj6igfvi