
V. Rybko, N. Khromova, M. Farmakovskaya, M. Novikova, B. Kopnin, P. Kopnin
2015 EJC Supplements  
localization and expression was revealed by immunohistochemical technique. Results: We developed 14 primary GBL cultures. Staining for nestin was used for demonstration of neuronal origin of cell cultures. Analysis of gene expression and the rate of cell proliferation of the cultures showed that the rate of YB1 gene expression in slow proliferating cultures is significantly lower than in quickly proliferating cell populations. Cell cultures differed in temodal sensitivity 2-2.5-fold. We
more » ... whether GBL cell sensitivity to temodal and the rate of several genes' expression are correlated. We did not find the correlation between cell temodal sensitivity and the rate of MGMT gene expression. These data are in accordance with some results of another authors (Mullins et al., 2013; Brennan et al., 2013). However, we revealed positive correlation of the temodal sensitivity of GBL cultures and MVP/LRP expression (r = 0.5592, p = 0.04). We found also the trend to negative correlation between GBL temodal sensitivity and YB1 gene expression (r = À0.43602, p = 0.02) as well as MDR1 expression (r = À0.4195, p = 0.02). Conclusion: The rate of temodal sensitivity of GBL primary cultures is connected with the rate of the expression of MVP/LRP, YB1 and MDR1genes. It is likely that YB-1 protein affects temodal sensitivity by influence on DNA reparation. YB1 could also have an effect on MDR1 expression. MVP/LRP expression is independent factor of GBL prognosis.
doi:10.1016/j.ejcsup.2015.08.086 fatcat:tkxhfrvzbrgqjf7xtsnhiqpopy