Steep Wave Diffraction by a Submerged Cylinder

J. T. Aquije Chacaltana, A. F. Teles da Silva
1995 Coastal Engineering 1994   unpublished
The steep wave diffraction by a fixed circular submerged cylinder is numerically simmulated as a completely nonlinear time domain evolution from an initial condition. Attention is focused on two aspects of the problem. The first is a study of the perturbation introduced by the cylinder on the wave field; the second is a study of the hydrodynamic forces on the cylinder due to the waves. Inst. de Matematica & Lab. Mec. Fluidos. Address : PEM -COPPE / UFRJ, CP 68503, CEP 21945-970, R.J.-BRAZIL 973
doi:10.1061/9780784400890.072 fatcat:4ckn3mwoyja7vdfecdjgcz23nq