Evaluation of the therapy approach in patients with atrial fibrillation and deep venous thrombosis undergoing hemodialysis and outcome evaluation in daily clinical practice

Edina Ćatić Ćuti, Bojan Jelaković, Dajana Katičić, Draško Pavlović, Ninoslav Leko, Žarko Belavić
2017 Cardiologia Croatica  
12(3):45. 4. hrvatski kongres o hipertenziji s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 4 th Croatian Congress of Hypertension with International Participation Prošireni sažetak Čimbenici rizika i životne navike Extended Abstract Risk factors and lifestyle
doi:10.15836/ccar2017.45 fatcat:ju3il3vunnaejdivdyeiw43ora