Torus fractalization and singularities in the current-voltage characteristics for the quasiperiodically forced Josephson junction

S. P Kuznetsov, E Neumann
2003 Europhysics letters  
PACS. 05.45.-a -Nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear dynamical systems. PACS. 85.25.Cp -Josephson devices. Abstract. -We consider a model of Josephson junction driven by a two-frequency quasiperiodic field. In dependence on the amplitude of one frequency component, the transition from a state with zero average voltage to that with a nonzero voltage occurs via the appearance of an intermittent regime, represented either by a smooth torus, or by a strange nonchaotic attractor. The intermediate
more » ... on corresponds to the torus fractalization, and the bifurcation there consists in coalescence with further disappearance of a pair of stable and unstable wrinkled invariant curves. We demonstrate different types of singularities in the current-voltage characteristics: in the subcritical case it is associated with the trivial exponent ν sub = 1/2, and the criticality with the nontrivial exponent νc = 0.42123. c EDP Sciences
doi:10.1209/epl/i2003-00239-3 fatcat:3pcarqgdhbhdpehsb6v7qgdioq