Progress of Rubber Breeding Program to Support Agroforestry System in Indonesia

Fetrina Oktavia, Sahuri, Dwi Shinta Agustina, Y. Asih Purwestri, S. Subandiyah, P. Montoro, W. Dyah Sawitri, K. Restu Susilo, I. Yoga Prasada, G. Wirakusuma, A. Dewi
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The use of superior rubber planting materials is one of the most important components of technology to support the cultivation and sustainability of the natural rubber industry. The effect of the genetic components of planting materials to the rubber productivity can reach 60%, and the rest is the influence of agro-climatic conditions. The aim of the rubber plant breeding program is to obtain the new superior rubber clones that have a high latex yielding potential and good agronomic characters.
more » ... The fluctuations of natural rubber price and climate changes also influence the direction and objectives of the rubber plant breeding program. To deal with the conditions, it is important to provide the rubber agroforestry technology by through intercropping of rubber with various other crops. The article will provide the information about progress of rubber breeding program in Indonesia and it is role in supporting agroforestry system. Several of new superior rubber clones have been released by IRRI, and some of these clones such as IRR 112 and IRR 118 had been planting with rice, corn, and other crops by through rubber agroforestry system. The system was estimated be able to maintain latex yielding potential of clones as well as farmers' income can be improved.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202130503006 fatcat:ssqlh7olbvch5kdwcnawrfsigq