Successful Conservative Management of Premature Rupture Membranes of Twin Pregnancy with one Fetus Papyraceus

2021 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology  
Fetus papyraceus is a rare obstetrics complication and is characterized by the death of one or more fetuses in the early gestation period, and the other fetus continues to develop. This report describes a twin pregnancy with one fetus papyraceus and both undergone premature membrane rupture. We reported a 25-year-old woman unbooking patient admitted to the Pusura hospital with a complaint of amniotic fluid leaking from the vagina after a traffic accident. The patient is a woman with a history
more » ... G2P1A0 at 22-week gestation with twin pregnancies (monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy). There was one live fetus with cephalic presentation and the other one was papyraceus. Conservative management with a corticosteroid regimen to complete the lung maturation was done. At 32-week gestation, the patient was admitted back with spontaneous rupture membranes and the live fetus was seen in lie presentation. She underwent a caesarian section and a premature life female baby was delivered with 1800g of weigh, APGAR score of 7 at 1 minute and 8 at 5 minutes. The fetus papyraceus was weighed 100g. Both the mother and the baby were discharged home in good condition. Fetus papyraceus is a rare condition that describes intrauterine fetal demise in early pregnancies. It can occur in both single or multiple gestation pregnancies. This case report reported case is a premature rupture of the membranes caused by a traffic accident. A life baby weighing 1800g was delivered and 100g of weigh of fetus papyraceus in a caesarian section. This case is a diamniotic -monochorionic placenta. Finally, the healthy baby was discharged 18 days after delivery.
doi:10.37506/ijfmt.v15i2.14776 fatcat:qz5lwnf7lbe2tcqscpd34dtcsm