The acute effect of high intensity aerobic training on ANP and Endothelin-1 in obese women

Rouhollah Haghshenas, Samaneh Nazemian, Mohsen Ebrahimi
2017 International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology  
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acute high intensity aerobic training on ANP and Endothelin-1 in inactive obese women. In order to nineteen obese women mean age± SD: 27.94± 3.30, mean weight ±SD: 88.13 ±7.28, mean height ±SD: 163.00± 4.91, mean BMI ±SD: 32.96± 3.13 selected and were randomly allocated to experimental and control groups. Experimental group performed a session acute aerobic exercise on ergometer at intensity 25w that increased every two minute 25w to
more » ... kload and performed to exhaustion every subject. Samples blood were taken after 12 hours fasting, before and after of program training. For analyzed of biochemical variables used ELISA method and for analyses data used ANOVA. Results of this study showed that acute aerobic training causes significant increase in level of plasma ANP in obese women (p=0.006). But no significant differences observe in plasma level of Endothelin-1. Also, any significant difference didn't observe between pre and post-training values, were separately compared data in each group. Finally, according to results of this study, acute aerobic training causes of the direct relationship between obesity and hypertension and cardiovascular disease probably beneficial effects of physical activity in obese people is due to change in these indicators.
doi:10.22631/ijaep.v6i1.97 fatcat:w3ag5go7gjbmjgxorrimdzt4le