Tridimensional Sustainability and Feasibility Assessment of Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems Applied for the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Ciprian Cristea, Maria Cristea, Dan Doru Micu, Andrei Ceclan, Radu-Adrian Tîrnovan, Florica Mioara Șerban
2022 Sustainability  
Nowadays, as the technology behind solar photovoltaic systems has been significantly improved, along with a significant decrease in costs, grid-connected photovoltaic systems are becoming an important option to reach a low-carbon energy transition. The high cost of electricity consumed at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca represented a good reason for the university to increase its energy efficiency by adopting and increasing energy consumption from renewable energy sources. This paper
more » ... esses the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of deploying four photovoltaic systems at the aforementioned university situated in the Northwestern part of Romania, according to the Romanian renewable energy legislation. PVSOL software has been used to estimate the performance of photovoltaic installations. The results indicated that the most viable distributed generation system is the one with a capacity of 100 kW, meeting approximately 23 percent of university electricity needs, and at the same time, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 460 tons. A sensitivity analysis has been performed to evaluate the effect of several critical parameters on the PV system's economic feasibility. The results provide valuable decision-making information regarding the buildings' solar potential for other universities, supporting the transition to solar energy.
doi:10.3390/su141710892 fatcat:7epnb4kjknarzni45u3ntt5e2y