Tubular modular permanent-magnet machines equipped with quasi-Halbach magnetized magnets-part II: armature reaction and design optimization

Jiabin Wang, D. Howe
2005 IEEE transactions on magnetics  
Article: Wang, J.B. and Howe, D. (2005) Tubular modular permanent-magnet machines equipped with quasi-Halbach magnetized magnets -Part II: Armature reaction and design optimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41 (9). Using the analytical formulas derived in Part I for predicting the magnetic field distribution, thrust force, and electromotive force of a three-phase tubular modular permanent-magnet machine equipped with quasi-Halbach magnetized magnets, this paper analyzes the armature
more » ... ion field, and addresses issues that are pertinent to the design optimization of the machine. It shows that optimal values of the ratio of the axial length of the radially magnetized magnets to the pole pitch exist for both maximum force capability and minimum force ripple. The utility and accuracy of the analytical predictions and design optimization technique are demonstrated on a 9-slot/10-pole machine.
doi:10.1109/tmag.2005.854327 fatcat:nk5ds3d4onaznmggfol7hkiriy