Quasinormal modes of scalar fields on small Reissner-Nordström- AdS5 black holes

Julián Barragán Amado, Bruno Carneiro da Cunha, Elisabetta Pallante
2022 Physical Review D  
We study the quasinormal modes (QNMs) of a charged scalar field on a Reissner-Nordström-anti-de Sitter (RN-AdS 5 ) black hole in the small radius limit by using the isomonodromic method. We also derive the low-temperature expansion of the fundamental QNM frequency. Finally, we provide numerical evidence that instabilities appear in the small radius limit for large values of the charge of the scalar field.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.105.044028 fatcat:vcdm5yzvnzbpbl2cglndv3b33m