Feasibility of utilizing hexamethyldisiloxane film as a bottom antireflective coating for 157 nm lithography

C. H. Lin, L. A. Wang
2001 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena  
The feasibility of utilizing a bottom antireflective coating ͑BARC͒ layer composed of hexamethyldisiloxane ͑HMDSO͒ film for 157 nm lithography is studied. The vaporized liquid HMDSO is used as a coating material in a conventional electron cyclotron resonance-plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process. The required optical constants of suitable HMDSO films can easily be tuned by adjusting the gas flow rate ratio of O 2 to HMDSO. The swing effect is experimentally shown to be reduced
more » ... icantly on Si substrates by applying either a single layer BARC or a bilayer BARC. Additionally, the bilayer BARC is shown by simulation to be capable of providing larger thickness-controlled tolerances than a single layer BARC.
doi:10.1116/1.1417549 fatcat:ri2k54kqcvdkxjv2eoacbnyxya