Calibration and performance assessment of microgrid polarization cameras

Nathan Hagen, Shuhei Shibata, Yukitoshi Otani
2019 Optical Engineering: The Journal of SPIE  
We provide a method for calibrating microgrid polarization cameras that is simpler and easier to set up than existing methods. Applying this method to three different commercially available cameras, we compare the mean values and variances in their diattenuation and orientation properties. We derive formulas giving the accuracy with which the pixel polarization properties can be calibrated in both the Gaussian and Poisson noise regimes and demonstrate the statistical instability of the
more » ... n ratio as a parameter. In a series of calibration measurements, we estimate the pixel-to-pixel variation of polarization properties and show how to separate the effects of temporal noise from manufacturing variation.
doi:10.1117/1.oe.58.8.082408 fatcat:64iwflrlxjc3vcf7t5f6e4tkq4