Alive at the End of LIfe; Destiny

Cathy S. Greenblat, Ernestine Ruben
THE INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN AND ART The vision of the Rutgers Institute for Women and Art (IWA) is to transform values, policies, and institutions, and to insure that the intellectual and aesthetic contributions of diverse communities of women in the visual arts are included in the cultural mainstream and acknowledged in the historical record. The mission of the Rutgers Institute for Women and Art is to invent, implement, and lead live and virtual education, research, documentation, public
more » ... and exhibitions focused on women artists and feminist art. The IWA strives to establish equality and visibility for all women artists, who are underrepresented and unrecognized in art history, the art market, and the contemporary art world, and to address their professional development needs. The IWA endeavors to serve all women in the visual arts and diverse global, national, regional, state, and university audiences.
doi:10.7282/t3-vg9a-s027 fatcat:ydnc7g27wbaz5n6zbwvi47ib5m