Quantum Physics and ESP(An Epistemic Resolution)

John Nwanegbo-Ben
2016 International Journal of Philosophy  
There is an epistemic relationship between Quantum physics and extra-sensory perception (ESP). The discovery and illumination gotten from the study of particle physics and the understanding of quantum physics brings to light a great resolution of the content of reality within the confines of the seen and unseen or from the mental and extra-mental. This paper posits that the inherent controversy in trying to comprehend the workings of "paranormal" acts such as telepathy and psychokinesis imbued
more » ... y critics of paranormal phenomena can be resolved by an understanding of quantum physics and the uncertainty principle. The underlying position of this work is that everything in the universe, whether in the realm of the physical or the metaphysical are made up of energy and vibrations manifested in various forms. These forms include our bodies, minds, thoughts and in the elements. And uncertainties are parts and parcels of realities in both quantum mechanics and ESP.
doi:10.11648/j.ijp.20160403.11 fatcat:lrk4amop7jbe5fsntwvlykitjq