
Deepa Narayanan, Sindhu Kattali Bhaskaran
2018 Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences  
BACKGROUND It is known that excess iodine can cause thyroid dysfunction. Some studies show that iodine supplementation is related to increased incidence of papillary carcinoma. But this has not been clearly proved. Aims and Objectives-1. To compare the prevalence of iodized salt usage and consumption of iodine rich foods in patients with papillary carcinoma, follicular neoplasms and nodular colloid goitre. 2. To study the association of iodized salt usage and consumption of iodine rich foods
more » ... h papillary carcinoma, follicular neoplasm and nodular colloid goitre. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, we included 100 cases of thyroid neoplasms which included 52 papillary carcinomas and 48 follicular neoplasms. 100 cases of nodular colloid goitre were also included in the study. Dietary survey is done by giving questionnaire to all subjects asking specifically regarding consumption of-a) Iodized salt, b) Fish and c) Shell fish. RESULTS When usage of iodized salt and food items with high iodine content like fish and shell fish in thyroid neoplasms were compared with nodular colloid goitre, no statistically significant result was observed. Usage of iodized salt showed statistically significant association with papillary carcinoma, when it was compared with follicular neoplasm. CONCLUSION Iodine deficiency and excess are associated with thyroid diseases. Most areas of Kerala are iodine sufficient. Present study has shown association of iodized salt with papillary carcinoma. Further study is needed to rule out the negative effects of iodine rich diet and thyroid diseases in Kerala.
doi:10.14260/jemds/2018/1168 fatcat:pen6nrnlbjdxfcexp5yjlvczoa