The algebraic dynamics of generic endomorphisms of ℙn

Najmuddin Fakhruddin
2014 Algebra & Number Theory  
We investigate some general questions in algebraic dynamics in the case of generic endomorphisms of projective spaces over a field of characteristic zero. The main results that we prove are that a generic endomorphism has no non-trivial preperiodic subvarieties, any infinite set of preperiodic points is Zariski dense and any infinite subset of a single orbit is also Zariski dense, thereby verifying the dynamical "Manin--Mumford" conjecture of Zhang and the dynamical "Mordell--Lang" conjecture of Denis and Ghioca--Tucker in this case.
doi:10.2140/ant.2014.8.587 fatcat:ywu27l6jqjcrncmv2a2wcg6evm