Analysis of Employment Tendencies According to the Satisfaction of Field (Clinical) Practice among Students of the Department of Optics
안경광학과 학생들의 현장(임상)실습 만족도에 따른 취업 성향 분석

Gye-Hun Choi
2016 Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science  
Purpose. This research study is to understand the effects of field (clinical) Practice on employment choice and decision. Method. The research study conducts a questionnaire survey of trainees who received field (clinical) Training during the period of 2016 summer vacation to analyze the data, utilizing Likert 5 rating scales and conduct a statistical analysis with the tool of SPSS 18.0. Results.. As for the satisfaction of the participation of Practice, girl students account for the high rate
more » ... 75.1%) compared with boy students (61.7%). Regarding the satisfaction of each Practice spot, ophthalmic clinic reaches the high rate (77.8%) compared with optical shop (65.7%). Practice about practice courses (53.2%) of regular subjects have somewhat close correlations compared with theory courses (46.8%). 75.2% of respondents in the group that shows the high satisfaction of the participation of Practice replied that they would decide employment as an academic major after Practice. And the figure is proved to assume a high ratio. Conclusion. The analytic research outcome indicates that those trainees who received Practice in an ophthalmic clinic have higher satisfaction than those who received Practice in an optical shop. There is the high accomplishment of employment in relation to academic major area instead of other area, after Practice.
doi:10.15205/kschs.2016.12.31.671 fatcat:a2kvav3g6rfd5b4jpricfwag4i