Interstate Commerce Commission, Report of the Accident Investigation Occurring on the SOUTHERN RAILWAY, TUXEDO. NC

On August 12, 1914, there was a deiailment of a passenger train on the Southern Railway neai Tuxedo, N C, which l esulted in the death of the hi em an and the mjuiy of the engrneman and nine passengeis Aftei investigation of this accident the Chief of the Divi sion of Safety repoi ts as follows Westbound tiam second No 13 consisted of one baggage eai, two coaches, and one Pullman sleeping cai, hauled by locomotive No, 4610, and was in charge of Conductor McHarge and Engrneman McSheny, en loute
more » ... rom Savannah, Ga , to Asheville, N C It left Saluda, N C , at 8 19 p m and at about 8 30 p m was derailed at a point about 800 feet east of the station at Tuxedo, which is 5 3 miles from Saluda, while lunnmg at a speed estimated to ha^e been about 25 miles pei hour The engine turned over to the left against the wall of the cut, which was about 6 feet high at this point The tendei remained coupled to the engine and came to rest acioss the track m an upright position. The baggage cai was derailed and slightly damaged none of the othei cars being dei ailed This pait of the Asheville division of the Southern Railway is a single track line, train movements being governed by the manual block signal system The tiack is laid with 85 pound lails 33 feet in length, with about 18 or 20 oak ties under each rail It is tieplated, thiee spikes being used with each tie plate, two on the out side and one on the inside of the lail The ballast is of stone, about 10 inches in depth Approaching the scene of the accident from the east there is a curve to the left of 12°, followed by a short tangent, 81318-J 5 2 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION
doi:10.21949/1506367 fatcat:rphoddbtunfptnwztutio4m7im