Does Tiny-Scale Atomic Structure Exist in the Interstellar Medium?

S. Stanimirovi, J. M. Weisberg, A. Hedden, K. E. Devine, J. T. Green
2003 Astrophysical Journal  
We report on preliminary results from the recent multi-epoch neutral hydrogen absorption measurements toward three pulsars, B0823+26, B1133+16 and B2016+28, using the Arecibo telescope. We do not find significant variations in optical depth profiles over periods of 0.3 and 9--10 yr, or on spatial scales of 10--20 and 70--85 AU. The large number of non detections of the tiny scale atomic structure suggests that the AU-sized structure is not ubiquitous in the interstellar medium and could be quite a rare phenomenon.
doi:10.1086/380580 fatcat:fl5cn6dljjbejnvyfdbvbadwvm