The Adaptation of Field Collected Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in Laboratory Condition

Manorenjitha MS, Zairi J
2015 International Journal of Life Science and Medical Research  
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus has been incriminated in dengue transmission in Malaysia, and all available measures has been taken to reduce the dengue cases and mortality. However, statistical data showed increasing trend in dengue incident. The aim of this study is to evaluate the adaptability F1 offspring of field collected Aedes mosquitoes in a new environment (laboratory). Biological parameter of Aedes mosquito, such as the larval growth, survival and fecundity were scrutinized under
more » ... boratory condition. Data obtained from this study showed that both Aedes species were highly adaptable to laboratory condition. The finding of this study is essential for vector control.
doi:10.5963/lsmr0504001 fatcat:nl54smnexzdchcps6z3i4wc3i4