The (D)QBF Preprocessor HQSpre – Underlying Theory and Its Implementation1

Ralf Wimmer, Christoph Scholl, Bernd Becker, Martina Seidl, Luca Pulina
2019 Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation  
Preprocessing turned out to be an essential step for SAT, QBF, and DQBF solvers to reduce/modify the number of variables and clauses of the formula, before the formula is passed to the actual solving algorithm. These preprocessing techniques often reduce the computation time of the solver by orders of magnitude. In this paper, we present the preprocessor HQSpre that was developed for Dependency Quantified Boolean Formulas (DQBFs) and that generalizes different preprocessing techniques for SAT
more » ... d QBF problems to DQBF. We give a presentation of the underlying theory together with detailed proofs as well as implementation details contributing to the efficiency of the preprocessor. HQSpre has been used with obvious success by the winners of the DQBF track, and, even more interestingly, the QBF tracks of QBFEVAL'18.
doi:10.3233/sat190115 fatcat:23fjvy62qrbsnohgaakyzkm7a4