Tradition and Transparency: Why Book Design Still Matters in the Digital Age

Jon Bath
2013 Scholarly and Research Communication  
Designing for the Internet can be a wonderfully enlivening experience for the graphic designer. But it can be an equally frustrating experience for typographers, as their control over typeface, word spacing, justification, and the other myriad details that define a well-crafted printed page is reduced to the most rudimentary choices. This article will examine this apparent disjuncture by first briefly outlining the historical separation between the trades of graphic designer and typographer and
more » ... then discussing some of the advantages of having the designers of electronic interfaces become familiar with book typography traditions and of having electronic reading interfaces support basic typographic practices.
doi:10.22230/src.2012v3n3a90 fatcat:cuuabupxo5grrarmrwzagsyky4