Reflections of the Use of Interviews as Primary Resources

Robert J. Alexander
2012 The Journal of the Rutgers University Library  
Over the forty years he has spent at Rutgers and in the twenty-seven books he has written during that time, Professor of Economics Robert J. Alexander has been an active practitioner of the art of interviewing. He has made available in the Department of Special Collections the extensive records of his activities, principally in the area ofLatin-Americanpolitics, though he has also worked in some aspects of European history as well. Thus his reflections on the way in which information gleaned
more » ... m interviews subsequently becomes source material stem from a time when the use of the term (< oral history " had yet to be introduced.
doi:10.14713/jrul.v49i1.1665 fatcat:pes2yesldfa3xny6konnymhnh4