Frechet-Weibull mixture distribution: properties and applications

Abd-Elmonem A. M. Teamah, Ahmed A. Elbanna, Ahmed M. Gemeay
2020 Applied Mathematical Sciences  
We propose a new mixture of continuous models called Fréchet-Weibull mixture exponential distribution with variety of statistical properties. Cumulative and density functions of its order statistics were derived along with limit distribution of its maximum and minimum. Method of maximum likelihood was used for determining estimated parameters and its performance was evaluated by biases and mean squared errors with the aid of randomly generated data set. The superiority of the proposed model is
more » ... llustrated by an application on three real-world data sets. Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H12, 60E05, 62H10
doi:10.12988/ams.2020.912165 fatcat:yxgo32u7szbbdcjpj7mbwvyxse