A New Fragment of a Treasure Record from the North Slope of the Acropolis

Wesley E. Thompson
1965 Hesperia  
FRAGMENT of white " Pentelic " marble, broken on all sides and back, found in the Central Area of the excavations of the North Slope of the Acropolis in 1939.1 Height, 0.1 16 m.; width, 0.09 m.; thickness, 0.054 m. Height of letters, 0.008 m.-0.009 m. XTOIX. UT] Ecav[ crT]aqOtvLOr[vro -V-I ora [ OuLv The preserved traces of dotted letters are as follows: most of the left vertical of nu, the tip of the right leg of alpha, a small part of a curve from the left side of omicron, and the top half of
more » ... rho. The first mark in the third line can only be either iota or the figure one. This fragment clearly belongs to a fifth century treasure record. This combination of letters is actually found in I.G., I2 280, an inventory of the dedications in the Parthenon for 422/1,2 which was inscribed on a large stele along with the inventories of the next three years (I.G., I2, 281-283.) Two large fragments of I.G., I2, 280 are known: one in the Epigraphical Museum at Athens 3 and a second, now lost, which is known only from a drawing in Stuart and Revett.4 The North Slope fragment corresponds to a section in the center of the stone published by Stuart and may,
doi:10.2307/147135 fatcat:5ydu2yobg5an5asonbwefh5sai