Removable Partial Denture Design using Milled Surface as a Precision Attachment: An Esthetic Alternative

Krishna D Prasad, Chethan Hegde, Namrata G Shah-Naidu, Manoj Shetty, N.S. Yadav
2012 Journal of Orofacial Research  
This case report describes the combined use of fixed partial denture prosthesis (FPD) and removable partial denture prosthesis (RPD) for a patient with partially edentulous arches and few remaining teeth. The RPD was designed such that it would take advantage of the benefits from milled palatal surfaces of the FPD to enhance stability and retention of the RPD and allow maintenance of optimum oral hygiene.
doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10026-1038 fatcat:re3jbiqeynftza6ijcvyp4thjm