Recent Progress in Ophthalmology

1898 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
without deformity, without lameness and in excellent condition. Under strict aseptic precautions, given a young, healthy patient of good habits, I do not think I should hesitate a moment in deciding to operate. With operation the results are better, convalescence speedier, patient more comfortable ; and the surgeon is saved from much condemnation. March 25, 1896, Mr. W. C. T., twenty-seven years old, a clerk in Boston, was sent to me by Dr. J. 15. Clark, of Medford. The family history was
more » ... ent. With regard to the previous health, it was stated that he had pneumonia when one year old, and also certain children's diseases, but recovered well from all of these. Two years before he visited me, having a slight cold he presented himself to Dr. Clark, who found the condition about to be reported. With regard to his present health, Mr. T. said that it was excellent, and that he had very little, if any, dyspnea. For instance, he coultl climb two or three flights of stairs without discomfort. He dit! say, however, that he found running to " bare ant! bounds " trying, which would hardly be regarded as proof of unusual shortness of breath. Otherwise there were no symptoms of disease. The reason of his coming was that he desired to have more thau one doctor to support him iu an application for life insurance, fearing that otherwise he might be unjustly rejected. OoTilaroh lftS total°üt bilateral du syinpathiquo corvical, Ann.
doi:10.1056/nejm189801131380206 fatcat:yumyzsr3abclxhzaxb2dwjuvfq