The quality of the service sector in urban areas Karlova Olena
' Beketov
Deterioration in quality of life and economic decline are results of the destructive action of the general crisis in Ukraine. They demonstrate ineffectiveness of the existing processes of strategic planning and forecasting at the level of urban areas. In our opinion, it is necessary to determine the centres of influence on the development of socioeconomic system of the city, simulate external influence, identify problem areas and develop measures to reduce the impact of crises on the viability
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... f components of the system. In the absence of scientific evidence-based strategic approach to the development of urban agglomerations and certain responsibility of local governments before their communities, recovery from the crisis seems difficult and prospects for further development look fuzzy. The main practical problems in the management of urban areas are the weakness of effective tools for making strategic decisions and ineffective mechanisms allowing to assess their impact. In addition, a weak monitoring system assessing the effectiveness of development of the city reduce the quality of changes and does not allow not make a diagnosis of the consequences of incompetent decision-making. Attention to the problems of formation and development of the service sector market was paid in the papers of such researchers as L. Bezzubko, V. Geits, T. Klebanova, O. Cherniak, O. Karyi, V.S. Ponomarenko, N. Kizim and others [1, 2, 8, 9]. A part of these studies have been carried out in the times, when sufficient experience in performance of the services sector under conditions of socially oriented economy have not not accumulated, from whence these problems have been partially covered. The problems of formation of a new architecture of post-industrial economy (on the national and regional levels) on the base of capacity building of the services sector in the national economy, introduction of a market mechanism of regulation of its development and formation and operation of civilized regional markets of the