Dr. Mrinal Phalle, Et. al.
2021 Psychology (Savannah, Ga.)  
Worldwide technology has changed a type of marketing techniques that embeds the company's brand and product on digital platforms. Digital marketing has become important fulcrum for business organizations giving access to the mass market at an affordable price. The objective behind the present study is to analyze awareness level as well as challenges faced in digital marketing. The survey has been conduct at Mumbai city. Descriptive Study was conducted to analyses response of consumer towards
more » ... ital marketing and factor analysis was carried out to identify major challenges of digital marketing. It is open from the present study that major challenges faced in digital marketing are lack of adequate skills and training to employees, technology , security and creative content for increasing awareness towards digital marketing. Further the study suggests that to ensure success of digital marketing staff should be well trained so that they have the right knowledge and expertise to handle new tools, platforms and trends as they change rapidly. Further to enhance the access of digital marketing in India more prominence needs to give on improving infrastructure facilities and awareness of the digital marketing as a cost-effective way of marketing.
doi:10.17762/pae.v57i9.4576 fatcat:wfkfuph2h5bnxnckoi2faf2wve