Excitons in incompressible quantum liquids

Emmanuel I. Rashba, Jai Singh
1995 International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter  
A theory of excitons in semiconductors in the Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) Effect regime is presented. Non-conventional properties of magnetoexcitons in this regime originate from the fact that elementary excitations of the FQH phases carry fractional charges. Properties of excitons strongly depend on the separation h between electron and hole confinement planes. When this separation is not too small, h 2 I , where 1 is the magnetic length, excitons look like quasiatoms consisting of a valence
more » ... hole and several fractional charges. Charge fractionalization results in a multiple-branch structure of the exciton energy spectrum. Symmetry classification of the branches is proposed, and their relation to the low-energy part of the Hilbert space of the charged elementary excitations of the FQH phases is established. Spectroscopic implications of the spectra classification, including the selection rules, are discussed.
doi:10.1117/12.200938 fatcat:4l4weiv2vfaaxpbspufank7zsu