Few-nucleon systems at MAMI and beyond [chapter]

W. U. Boeglin
Many Body Structure of Strongly Interacting Systems  
Few-body systems provide a testing ground for models of the NN interaction, reaction mechanisms and for models of nuclei. An overview of results of coincidence experiments on the deuteron, 3 He and 4 He obtained in the last 20 years at MAMI and at other facilities, covering a wide range of momentum and energy transfers, is presented. PACS. 25.10.+s Nuclear reactions involving few nucleon systems -25.30.-c Lepton-induced reactions -25.30.Fj Inelastic electron scattering to continuum
doi:10.1007/3-540-36754-3_3 fatcat:tzcwhg7w55hw7kdupplnsqevnu