Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel, Copper and 70/30 Cupro-Nickel by Benzotriazole in Concentrated Lithium Bromide Solution at Elevated Temperature
高温濃厚臭化リチウム水溶液中におけるベンゾトリアゾールによる炭素鋼, 銅及び70/30キュプロニッケルの腐食抑制

Kazuo Tanno, Shiro Saito, Masahiko Ito, Akira Minato
1984 Corrosion engineering digest  
Lithium bromide solution has been established as practical absorbent for use in absorption refrigeration system at the highest concentration of 12.45mol/dm3 (62wt%) and at the highest temperature of 160C. Construction of most units is primarily of carbon steel, copper and cupronickel and corrosion inhibition of carbon steel is necessary. In this paper it is presented that benzotriazole (BTA) is an effective inhibitor for carbon steel as well as for copper and cupronickel. The corrosion is
more » ... zed with some addition of lithium hydroxide. Concentration of 0.015mol/dm3 BTA and 0.06mol/dm3 LiOH is the most effective. It is assumed that passivation of carbon steel in alkaline condition and Fe(II)-BTA complex formed on the carbon steel decrease the corrosion cooperatively through inhibition of anodic and cathodic reactions.
doi:10.3323/jcorr1974.33.9_516 fatcat:m7k4l72ping7boi34vggwxhppu