Reports of Medical Societies

1861 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
the Medical College, and were found in the course of an arterial dissection. The patient died of chronic pleurisy, reported as of six months' duration, and had complained of no other symptoms. He was apparently about 35 years of age. perfect, but the superior edge of the rib was hollowed out, and a more than corresponding convexity and breadth was added on the lower edge, in a thin, flattened, friable deposit of bony substance. The other ribs were natural. The cavity just alluded to was formed
more » ... y the divergence of the first and second ribs, and by a loss of substance in the body of the corresponding dorsal vertebra. On opening the The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at SAN DIEGO (UCSD) on July 4, 2016. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive.
doi:10.1056/nejm186102140640204 fatcat:l2p4evfnozffhayplfawmfbtki