Study of Etiological and Clinical Profile of Hepatomegaly in Children up to 10 years of Age

Dr Sasmita Devi Agrawal
2019 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
Liver enlargement could be an indicator of underlying liver disease, even if there are usually no symptoms associated with it. On the other hand, Symptoms of a grossly enlarged liver include abdominal discomfort or feeling full could potentially provide an insight into an underlying serious pathology It could be due to a various number of infective/Inflammatory, Congestive, infiltrative, proliferative (Kupfer cell) reasons. It could also be a manifestation of an underlying intrinsic hepatic
more » ... rder and Storage related disorders. Material and Methods: All children upto the age of one month to 10 years presenting to Hitech Medical College and Hospital with increase in liver span were included in the study over the span of the past year. Patients were subjected to routine investigations and in some cases some special investigations depending on provisional diagnosis after detailed history and physical examination. Results and Conclusion: The most common age group presenting with hepatomegaly was found to be between 1 to 5 years followed by 5 to 10 years. The most common aetiology was found to be infections and the most common presenting signs and symptoms were found to be fever, anemia followed by oedema and jaundice.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.05 fatcat:jipiiq23nvg4zez7uuqc77wmii