Influence of post weld heat treatment for weld joint of P355GH

Sławomir Parzych, Rafał Dziurka, W. Rogula-Kozłowska, A. Walczak, A. Polańczyk
2018 MATEC Web of Conferences  
From steel designed to work under pressure and exposed to high temperature apart from the good weldability, good mechanical properties are required. The guidelines set by the regulations require post welding heat treatment above 35mm thick. An important factor affecting the microstructure and properties of the joint made of thick-walled elements is heat treatment after welding. All welding operations must be properly planned before performing welding work. Welding procedure specification (WPS)
more » ... s a document describing these operations, it is essential for proper determining of basics in planning welding operations and quality control in welding. The purpose of this paper is to compare the properties of joints made by 121 welding method in combination with and without post welding heat treatment.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201824700038 fatcat:n7xgxt3xeba5dpvi43szq2r3gm