Spontaneous Regression of Sclerosing Mesenteritis Presenting as a Huge Mass

Hyun Jeong Lee, Jin Il Kim, Ji Won Ahn, Jeong Ho Kim, Mo Eun Cheung, Soo-Heon Park, Jae Kwang Kim, Soyoung Im
2012 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology  
Sclerosing mesenteritis is a rare benign disease originated from the mesenteries. It can be related to autoimmune disease, vasculitis, ischemia, infection, trauma and operation, but most of cases are idiopathic. The overall prognosis of sclerosing mesenteritis is usually good with benign, course. However, no consensus of treatment has yet been established. We report a case of spontaneous partial regression of sclerosing mesenteritis presented as a huge mass and diagnosed by finding of contrast
more » ... nhanced abdominal computed tomography and percutaneous ultrasonography guided needle biopsy. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2012;59:317-320)
doi:10.4166/kjg.2012.59.4.317 pmid:22544031 fatcat:hiscm3krfreotpinmuaz52coja