Davide Buscaldi, Paolo Rosso
2007 Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations - SemEval '07   unpublished
This paper describes the WSD system developed for our participation to the SemEval-1. It combines various methods by means of a fuzzy Borda voting. The fuzzy Borda votecounting scheme is one of the best known methods in the field of collective decision making. In our system the different disambiguation methods are considered as experts that give a preference ranking for the senses a word can be assigned. Then the preferences are evaluated using the fuzzy Borda scheme in order to select the best
more » ... sense. The methods we considered are the sense frequency probability calculated over SemCor, the Conceptual Density calculated over both hyperonyms and meronyms hyerarchies in WordNet, the extended Lesk by Banerjee and Pedersen, and finally a method based on WordNet domains.
doi:10.3115/1621474.1621571 fatcat:ysw4ixws4vaurbyf47w4uyhiqu