D.O. Edwards
1832 The Lancet  
twenty-three years of age, a delicate female, of fine complexion, and exquisite symmetry, had from infancy enjoyed imperfect health. She was i subject to frequent attacks of dyspnoea attended with acute pain in the region of the heart. These came on suddenlv, without any apparent cause, and went off as unaccountably. They were therefore considered as spasmodic, and treated accordingly. She was married about a year ago, and soon falling pregnant, the attacks of dyspnoea were observed to become
more » ... re frequent and longer-continued. The gentleman however who was engaged to attend the patient during her confinement was assiduous in i his attempts to alleviate these symptoms, and she went on tolerably well to the full period of gestation. At this time she imagined she felt the labour pains, but as this was her first pregnancy, it is probable she was deceived. On the second day of last March the usual dys-pncM occurred, and became much more severe than before. The customary remedies failed to produce any alleviation. Vomiting and purging succeeded, and was attended with great prostration of strength, and at this time being visited by a cholera
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)94534-4 fatcat:3urf54z3u5aynhrg5ked3vijge