G. Kaynar, O. C. İçaçan, S. Çelik, M. Yalçin Mutlu, C. Bes
2020 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases  
Background:Purpura are lesions that occur after bleeding on the skin, mucous or serosal surfaces. Purpura can be classified into 2 subgroups; which are linked to thrombocytopenia and non-trombocytopenic purpura. While thrombocytopenic purpura often occurs due to a hematological disease; in non-trombocytopenic purpura etiological causes are very variable, and systemic vasculitis has an important place among them.Objectives:The demographic features of the patients applying with purpura and the
more » ... erlying causes and diseases were aimed to be revealed.Methods:44 consecutive patients (22 women, 22 men) who were admitted to the hospital in the last 6 months, due to purpura were evaluated. Average age of patients was 49.6 ± 19.6 years. Patients were questioned about a recent infection, drug use, concomitant or underlying diseases. The serological tests and other laboratory tests for etiology were performed and biopsy was taken from the skin lesions which are appropriate.Results:While 4 (9%) patients had widespread purpura on the trunk-upper-lower extremities, in 22 (50%) patients purpuric lesions were limited only to the lower limb. The period between the onset of the first symptom and the admission to the hospital was longer than 4 weeks in 35 (79.5%) patients, and shorter than 1 week in 9 (20.5%) patients. 24 (54%) patients had an anamnesis of infection 2-3 weeks before purpura, and 20 (45%) patients had an anamnesis of drug use. The most common accompanying symptom was abdominal pain and was present in 15 (34%) patients. Biopsy was performed from the skin lesion in 37 patients. Histopathological examination of all was compatible with leukocytoclastic vasculitis. In indirect immunofluorescence staining, 17 were found to be IgA positive. 2 (4.5%) patients were diagnosed PR3-ANCA positive granulomatosis with polyangiitis. 1 patient had Hepatitis B virus infection was detected in 1 patient (2.2%), HIV infection was detected in 1 patient (2.2%) and malignancy was detected in 1 patient (2.2%).Conclusion:In our study, the most common reason was found as IgA vasculitis in patients presenting with palpable purpura. Although vasculitic involvement was limited to the skin in most patients, organ-threatening systemic vasculitis was detected in a few patients. Patients applying with Purpura should be questioned for infection and drug use, should be examined for underlying diseases including systemic vasculitis, and closely monitored for organ involvement.Disclosure of Interests:None declared
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-eular.5471 fatcat:bmk63blpljdehaniccnuxnn4ae